Saturday, May 1, 2010

Loving the Weather

I'm not a "sun" person. It's not by system just can't function well with heat. Which is why migrating to Canada is a logical step for me.

And indeed, the weather here in Vancouver suits me. Mild winter, mild summer. Although the summer heat can still affect me in a negative way, at least there's no -20 winter days as Alberta nor humid summer months of Toronto. Rainfall in the winter is common but this rainfall is just Philippine's drizzle. I can live with that. Especially so that this precipitation is a big contributing factor to the lush environment.

It's May 1 today -- halfway through spring. It was a bit cloudy and there was a bit of nip in the morning but the sky cleared before mid-day. Sun shining brightly as I write but the temp's only 11 degrees. Superb! And tonight, it'll be balmy until the sun sets sometime 8pm.

For visitors to this lovely city it might seem too much for a day. Unpredictable, some might even say. But it's what makes Vancouver more interesting. I cope, as most Vancouverites do, by layering clothes and checking The Weather Network on Ch 18 before heading out.

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