Friday, February 12, 2010

Counting the hours

13 hours to go... 2010 Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony

World-class athletes have arrived days ago. International press had set-up shop already. Foreign diplomats planed in. For the next 2 weeks, the world will be focusing on Vancouver.

Olympic fever can be felt mid-January. As Feb 12 approached, it intensified. Much more when the torch arrived in the Lower Mainland.

I was there when the torch passed by our area. I took pictures but the desire to see the actual run was more rather than documenting it. And yes.. it gave me goosebumps. No picture would be able to justify that heart-warming feeling I had. I'm not of Canadian descent but there was a sense of pride, of belonging.

Ah...yes. For this event is not for Canadians only. This is for everyone. A way to come together regardless of color and language. A way to unite and to instill in each one of us that if everyone will come together as one, the world we live in will be better -- much, much better.

Welcome world!!!!

2 comments: said...

I am really looking forward to the Winter Olympics! My favorite Winter Olympic sport is ice hockey. It will also be neat to see sports that aren't shown often on television, like curling, bobsledding, and luge.

Doyetski said...

I'm not much of a sports-person butI hope to catch on Tuesday the hockey game. Enjoy watching!!!